Inform your guests via TV screen

Welcome your guests in their rooms with their names on the screen and offer them information about your hotel and options of different sorts of activities. The guests do not have to go to the reception desk, and you have a chance to offer all of your services + third party services in the form of advertising.

Multiple functions in one

You may have heard of IPTV, when instead of standard TVs, there are only displays in hotel rooms and everything works within a closed system. Our solution allows both TV viewing and other things. In addition, TV Hotel can be used with any smart TV brand.

Hbb TV technology

Moreover, within HbbTV technology (red button) TV Hotel can advertise your hotel or external services targeted directly to the customer. This advertisement may differ in each room, thus targeting a specific guest.

Personalized menu

When the guest switches the TV set in the room on, the TV Hotel Info system starts automatically. It includes a personalized welcome, introductory promo video and additional information starting with hotel's current menu and ending with an offer of massage.

Do you want to have a perfect TV systemthat, in addition to TV programs, can also sell the services of your hotel?

Better sale of your
hotel services

In addition to watching TV programs, via a TV screen, our TV Hotel system actively informs the guest in a specific room about a comprehensive offer of your hotel and all offered services, thus increasing guest’s awareness and your sales. Comfortably and without much effort.  

And it is not all. Offer your guests third-party services in the form of advertising – be it the benefits in the region or options what to do around.  

We are preparing
Red button
Green for your services

  TV HOTEL REKLAMA offers a pop-up advertisement running on HbbTV technology (red button). This smart TV feature combines the benefits of TV broadcasting with the reception of content that can be broadcast over the Internet – including your advertising. It can be displayed anywhere on the screen and overlay the current program on any channel. Benefits? Conference participants will be notified of the beginning of the event or other guests of the start of yoga lessons. In addition, you will offer everyone a favorable price of the menu or cocktail happy hour. In this way you can inform a maximum number of guests about all offers of the hotel and increase your sales. Settings of ads can also be personalized for the individual guests and linked to your hotel system. You manage and edit ads in the content management system.

We are preparing
How can the guest

order a service?

Within the advertising system, we can configure practically anything – for example, booking a wellness procedure or ordering food to a room. 

And all this only with the TV remote controller.

Easy management
of your
TV hotel system

The system automatically takes the guest’s data over from the hotel system or the hotel database. You can easily edit any website in the content management system and change the menu, current events and others.

The content management system is a tool for editing and updating the individual websites of TV Hotel Info and TV Hotel Reklama – in preparation. You can use the system according to your needs and requirements. Easily and intuitively, you insert an advertising message and target a concrete guest, for example in the hotel reception computer.

Content management system of TV Hotel

Offer of services of TV Hotel


STA distribution system antenna TV distribution system

Our service TV Hotel will supply the entire turnkey STA distribution system, including antennas, satellite receivers and technology for channel distribution to the individual TVs according to the requirements of your hotel, including optics – FTTR (Fiber to the Room). Using your existing STA distribution system, we will perform an analysis of functionality and compatibility with the TV Hotel system, and propose or implement necessary modifications.


Outsourcing of
TV Hotel info system

You have no resources and capacities for a continuous service, system modifications, updates of your offers, etc. It does not matter at all. We are here to provide these services to you. Once we receive information necessary for any adjustments or updates, our response time is within 48 hours and your guests will always have up-to-date information.


Delivery of TV sets
your hotel

Based on the analysis of needs of your hotel (i.e. display size, ideal location of a TV set, type of Internet connection and others) we will prepare an offer of current TV sets delivery options with requested parameters. Do you want to know how we proceed? Go ahead and have a look at our installation in Maximus hotel.

Our comprehensive solution for Maximus hotel

Maximus needed to update the STA system so that all hotel TV sets could have a quality TV content, and both the entire STA and individual TVs could handle the transition to the new DVB-T2 broadcasting standard. 

During our negotiations, the hotel approached us with a wish – to have a hotel system that welcomes the guest in the room and provides further offers of the hotel. We offered a comprehensive system, including the supply of Finlux TV sets with minimal acquisition costs.

Their next request was to replace the existing system without any interruption of operation – installations were therefore always carried out in the vacated rooms. Therefore, we were running both old and new system in parallel temporarily. Once the installation of new TV sets was completed, we launched a new TV Hotel system. Since then, we have been implementing new hotel requirements into the system.

For instance, a client rented the entire hotel on certain days in a month, and on these days, we completely replaced the information in the hotel system with the information requested by him.

Fine-tune hotel experience of your guests

Call us and ask about the details.
